When two Clydesdales broke through the ice on a frozen lake, they ended themselves in real deep water, fleeing their historic property.

The two draft horses at Pennsylvania’s Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm, Wilhelm and Gunther, bolted out of their pasture. Less than a mile from their residence, the geldings were discovered submerged up to their necks in frigid water. Using their binoculars, a neighbour chance to discover them in the middle of the lake and promptly phoned for assistance.
Due of the two 1500-pound Clydesdales that needed to be rescued, firefighters were sent to the site. But there was no way to raise them out of the ocean due to their size and distance from the coast.
Rather, the rescuers carved a route through the ice to the coast using chainsaws. The horses were led to safety once the route was created. They were hauled ashore, where a vet was ready to do an examination.

The whole community pitched in to provide a hand, offering boats, heaters, and blankets.
The farm stated, “The horses were rescued thanks to the hard work of Blue Ridge Hook and Ladder, Stroud Township Fire Company, Shawnee Fire Company, Wind Gap Fire Company, Northeast Search and Rescue, Portland PA Fire Company, Cross River Veterinarians, Quiet Valley Staff and Volunteers, and numerous neighbours lending boats and towels.”
They had a few little cuts and were both cold, damp, and hungry. The moment the hay was brought to them, they both began to devour it. In order to avoid colic, the veterinarian began them on IV fluids and kept an eye on them. The farm gave everyone hope that the horses would be well by posting an update stating that they were doing well.

Regarding the farm, the workers are building a double fence to prevent the enormous geldings from embarking on any further adventures. The farm also announced, “They are also grounded for the foreseeable future: no after-hours romps, girlfriends, cell phones, etc.”