How Rabbit Urine Colour Indicates Health


While yellow is the most common colour of urine, a healthy rabbit may generate other colours. If you’re unfamiliar with rabbit urine colours, some might be disturbing. Find out what colours in your rabbit’s litter box indicate healthy pee, what hazy or coloured urine implies, and what colours signal a medical issue.

Rabbit Urine Colours
Rabbits may have yellow, clear, orange, or red urine without an issue, like other animals. They might have cloudy urine. The following list explains rabbit urine colours and clarity and their meanings.

Colourless or clear pee: A well-hydrated rabbit may produce colourless urine. This is typical.
Normal urine colour is yellow.
Amber/Orange: This is typical urine colour, however if your rabbit isn’t drinking enough, it may be darker. Make sure your rabbit has a water dish, bottle, and greens.
Rabbits may be red/dark brown. Rabbits mainly obtain it from veggies. Eating fir leaves and other factors may cause it.
Rabbit urine may be transparent or include visible components. Some rabbit urine symptoms are benign, while others are dangerous.

Unlike crimson or dark brown urine, blood clots always indicate a problem. Contact your rabbit’s vet if you detect them in its urine.
Not usually clear, rabbit urine may be murky. Small calcium particles are expelled by your rabbit. Thicker pee is an issue, but cloudy urine is not. If your rabbit has hazy pee, your vet may suggest reducing calcium intake.
Urine sludge is problematic. Too much calcium makes urine sludge instead of liquid.

Abnormal Rabbit Urine Causes
Your rabbit’s urine colour may indicate one of the following health issues:

If your rabbit is dehydrated, its pee may become dark yellow or brown. Ileus may result from dehydration in various organs.
Pyometra: Uterine infection. This disease may affect unspayed female rabbits.
Bladder tumours: Rabbits may develop bladder tumours in any gender.
Uterine or ovarian tumours: Unspayed female rabbits are susceptible to reproductive organ tumours.
Failed pregnancy: Unspayed female rabbits may get pregnant by unneutered male rabbits. If the pregnancy fails, blood may appear.
Bladder stones: Uroliths may irritate the bladder lining and produce blood in the urine.
If your rabbit has a health issue that causes unusually coloured pee, therapy may be needed. Depending on the reason of urine staining, water, calcium, antibiotics, and surgery may be prescribed.
Prevention of Rabbit Urine Abnormalities
A healthy rabbit needs a good food, plenty of water, and frequent exercise. Give your rabbit a water dish and bottle and daily dark, leafy green vegetables low in oxalates to support normal urination. You should neuter your female rabbit to avoid reproductive issues that may produce blood in the pee, even if they have nothing to do with the bladder.