Suffolk Punch foal born is ‘rarer than giant panda’


Introduction: Chatsworth, renowned for its majestic estate and rich history, has recently welcomed a new addition to its rare breeds program that has captivated the hearts of visitors and staff alike. Huxley, a Suffolk Punch colt foal born to mare Eugenie, is not only a delightful sight to behold but also represents a vital contribution to the preservation of a critically endangered breed.

The Rarity of the Suffolk Punch: Described by experts as “more endangered than a Giant Panda,” the Suffolk Punch horse is facing a critical status according to the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. With only 72 female Suffolk Punches remaining, including Eugenie, and fewer than 500 purebred individuals registered in the UK, each foal born, like Huxley, plays a crucial role in ensuring the survival of this iconic breed.

A Joyous Return to Chatsworth Farmyard: Eugenie and Huxley have recently returned to Chatsworth Farmyard from the stud farm, much to the delight of the farmyard crew and visitors. Rachel Kearsey, a member of the farmyard team, expressed her excitement at their return, noting Eugenie’s evident happiness upon arriving back at the farmyard.

Huxley’s Charismatic Personality: Visitors to Chatsworth Farmyard have been enchanted by Huxley’s charming personality. Initially reserved, Huxley has begun to reveal his playful and mischievous nature, captivating visitors with his antics and endearing demeanor.

Preserving Rare Breeds at Chatsworth Farmyard: Chatsworth Farmyard is dedicated to preserving some of the rarest livestock and equine breeds native to the UK. In addition to Suffolk Punch horses, the farm is home to Shire horses, Albion cattle, Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs, Bagot goats, Cream Legbar chickens, British Landrace pigs, and Eriskay ponies.

Recognition from the Rare Breeds Survival Trust: Chatsworth Farmyard’s commitment to conservation was recently recognized by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust, which awarded the farmyard with certification for its significant contribution to preserving rare breeds. As a member of the RBST-accredited farm park network, Chatsworth Farmyard participates in essential conservation programs and educates visitors about the importance of rare breeds.

Welcoming Visitors Back to Chatsworth: Despite ongoing health and safety measures, Chatsworth Estate eagerly anticipates welcoming more visitors following the easing of restrictions. Stringent safety protocols are in place, including facial covering requirements for guests aged 11 and older in indoor spaces, to ensure the well-being of visitors and staff.

Experience Chatsworth Farmyard and Adventure Playground: Visitors are invited to explore Chatsworth Farmyard and Adventure Playground during daily opening hours. Advance tickets and information on opening times can be found at, offering families the opportunity to discover and learn about rare breeds while enjoying a day out in the picturesque estate.

Contributing to Chesterfield’s Development: Chatsworth’s involvement in the Chesterfield Champions network underscores its commitment to supporting the marketing and economic development of the town and surrounding areas. With over 180 organizations collaborating within the network, Chatsworth plays an integral role in enhancing the region’s prosperity and growth.

Conclusion: Huxley’s arrival at Chatsworth Farmyard symbolizes hope for the future of the critically endangered Suffolk Punch breed. As visitors flock to witness his playful antics and learn about rare breeds, Chatsworth Farmyard continues its vital mission of preserving and celebrating the diversity of UK livestock and equines. With stringent safety measures in place, guests can enjoy a memorable experience exploring the farmyard and discovering the charm of Chatsworth Estate.