Logging bans will be implemented on thousands of acres of Koala Haven Forest in New South Wales


A new logging ban in New South Wales will protect 106 “hubs” across 8,400 hectares (21,000 acres) of forest where koalas in the wild congregate in largest numbers. The Great Koala National Park (GKNP) is a campaign to connect 315,000 hectares of coastal habitat for koalas into a single national park. The proposal aims to unify the 315,000 hectares, which are currently split between conservation areas and state forest across an area the size of Yosemite. The 21,000 acres saved from logging are part of the 315,000 hectares that a coalition of conservation organizations is hoping to protect forever to ensure koalas can survive the eons. The GKNP estimates that it would cost the state around $1.5 billion to buy all the land and set up the park infrastructure.


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