Horses have a really fascinating feature that sets them apart from one another: every part of their body has a different colt pattern. It’s true that people tend to identify a breed more quickly based on the colour of their skin than anything else, while certain breeds lack markings on their bodies due to uniform coloration.

The designs are usually so ethereal that I call them artistic jumbles. The markings are haphazardly placed throughout the horse’s body, giving it a highly creative appearance and helping it stand out from other horses. We’ll be talking about a foal that is different from the rest. I recently spoke about meaningless irregular patterns, however this cute newborn foal sticks out from the herd because of a highly noticeable marking on his body.

Although many would argue that it is photoshopped, it is quite realistic. When I first saw the white marking on his body, which resembled a little horse drawn on a horse’s body, I was astounded. Let’s learn a little bit more about this adorable young colt by the name of Da Vinci. DaVinci was born in the UK at the Fyling Hall School, which is near Robin Hood’s Bay.

With its well manicured topiaries, undulating hills, walls draped with ivy, and pastures grazed by ponies, the campus resembles something straight out of a Harry Potter book. The burgundy school uniforms and the Georgian stone manor home would be a perfect match at Hogwarts! He’s become one of the Flying Hall School’s most cherished horses, and everyone nicknames him Vinny.