Man mourning the loss of his dog visits the shelter and adopts every unwanted dog.


Colorado native and empathetic animal lover Steve Grieg has always lived in a house full with animals. His childhood house served as a refuge for diverse animals, a practise he continued as an adult.

His spacious property, which was frequently crowded with three or four dogs at once, provided plenty of room for these furry friends to thrive. When one of Steve’s cherished dogs went away, tragedy hit. He was severely touched by the loss, which inspired him to pay special tribute to his pet’s memories.

He went to the local animal shelter looking for the “least adoptable” dog, not a cute, young puppy. His goal was to provide a dog that others might ignore a loving home and a shot at a fulfilling life. “So I adopted a 12-year-old Chihuahua named Eeyore with a heart murmur and four bad knees, and I brought him home. That was just the beginning of all the animals,” the author said.
This was the beginning of his adventure to adopt animals in need, a trip that would drastically alter the course of his life.

In little time at all, Steve’s house had become a haven for ten senior dogs, each with their own peculiarities and personalities.
But he wasn’t just kind to dogs. He added two abandoned ducks and two pigeons to his growing collection of animals.
Additionally, a pig named Bikini was adopted from a friend who was unable to maintain her.
Bikini, the amusingly dog-obsessed cat, made a special buddy in Enoch, Steve’s Irish Wolfhound.

A casual encounter with a rabbit in Steve’s front yard resulted in the birth of a new member of his ever-expanding brood.

Surprisingly calm and laid-back, the rabbit blended right in with the other dogs.
Steve’s house was gradually becoming a paradise for creatures of all sizes and types.
Steve mentioned his preference for adopting senior dogs, pointing out their calm dispositions and low energy levels.
They just are wiser creatures, he explained. “Once you reach a certain age, you kind of know what you want out of life. These canines are aware of who they are, and it is simple to establish a connection with someone or a pet who is aware of who they are.

Steve launched an Instagram page to show off his “wolf gang” and to share with the world his unusual family.
Steve was ecstatic that people were being motivated by his page to realise the joy in adopting elderly animals.
“They simply give it a homely feeling. Knowing that these boys are content, loved, and well-cared-for is incredibly gratifying.

My days are made worthwhile because of it, Steve said.His house, which is alive with the noises of many animals, is a testament to his devotion to these frequently disregarded creatures.The touching reminder of the love and care that all animals, especially the ones that are sometimes disregarded, require comes from Steve’s story.

His Instagram account continues to motivate others by providing daily views into the lives of his “wolf gang.”
Steve’s commitment to giving these animals a loving home is evidence of his good nature and affection for all creatures, large and little.


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