70 coins removed from stomach of alligator at Nebraska zoo and tells people not to throw money into the water.


Urgent Reminder: Please Do Not Throw Coins into Animal Enclosures at Zoos

An Unfortunate Incident at the Nebraska Zoo Prompts a Crucial Reminder

Recently, a concerning incident occurred at the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium in Omaha, Nebraska, where veterinarians discovered a significant number of coins in the stomach of an alligator named Thibodaux. This prompted a public surgical procedure to remove the coins and ensure the alligator’s well-being.

Thibodaux’s Recovery and the Importance of Visitor Cooperation

Thanks to the diligent efforts of the zoo’s medical team, Thibodaux has fully recovered from the procedure. However, this incident highlights the critical importance of visitors refraining from throwing coins or any other objects into animal enclosures. Despite the alligator’s successful recovery, such actions pose serious risks to the health and safety of zoo animals.

A Plea for Responsible Behavior from Zoo Visitors

Christina Ploog, an associate veterinarian at the Henry Doorly Zoo, emphasized in a Facebook post the necessity for visitors to refrain from throwing coins into any bodies of water within the zoo premises. While Thibodaux has been successfully treated, the risk remains for other animals.

Understanding the Consequences of Such Actions

Dr. Chris Hanley, assistant director of animal health at the Saint Louis Zoo, further explained the dangers of introducing foreign objects into animal enclosures. A video shared by the zoo showcased the potential harm caused by coins or other items accidentally dropped or thrown into displays. Such objects pose a significant threat to the well-being of zoo animals and must be avoided at all costs.

Collaborative Efforts for Animal Welfare

The incidents at both the Henry Doorly Zoo and the Saint Louis Zoo underscore the ongoing need for cooperation between zoo staff and visitors to ensure the safety and welfare of all animals. By adhering to guidelines and refraining from actions that could endanger animals, visitors play a crucial role in supporting conservation efforts and promoting responsible behavior within zoo environments.

Conclusion: A Call to Action for Responsible Zoo Visitation

As animal lovers and advocates for wildlife conservation, it is our collective responsibility to prioritize the well-being of zoo animals. Let us heed the warnings issued by zoo officials and refrain from throwing coins or any other objects into animal enclosures. Together, we can create safe and nurturing environments for all creatures under the care of zoos.

Remember, every action we take matters in safeguarding the health and happiness of the animals we cherish. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to responsible zoo visitation.

For more information on how you can support wildlife conservation efforts, please visit the official websites of accredited zoos and conservation organizations.

Note: Please help spread this message by sharing it with fellow zoo visitors and animal enthusiasts. Together, we can make a difference in protecting the welfare of zoo animals.