38 horses are spared from a terrible stable fire by a brave rider.


The fire department has commended a rider for his courage after he rescued 38 horses from a huge stable fire.

At a ceremony on August 14, Yasmine was given the certificate by Staffordshire incident & Rescue, who commended her for her bravery and fast thinking after the incident that started on May 20.Yasmine informed H&H that she works as a rider at Castle View Stud and lives in a camper. She said that something woke her up in the wee hours of Sunday.

She stated, “It sounded like there was crackling.” “After that, I heard horses yelling.” When I stepped outdoors, everything was illuminated. Yasmine proceeded directly to the yard, where she saw a burning barn. An location where caravans were stored was where the fire had originated.

She said, “The roof was coming down.” “Since there were many horses inside, I released the ones closest to the flames before sprinting towards the main barn.” There were two burning stables there once the fire spread there.

After saving two stallions, Yasmine freed the majority of these animals as well. “Unfortunately, someone else took him and put him in a barn well out of the way, so I went back in to get the other one,” she stated after removing the first.

It was quite frantic; the horses were going completely crazy and almost falling over the doors. “It was quite fortunate that word of it travelled rapidly. By the time I returned to the outer barn, the smoke was rather heavy, making it impossible for me to see the animals in the rear; I had to let them out.

“All the horses managed to escape, but one ran through some wire and sustained a nasty cut.” Yasmine said that while the second barn is still “work in progress,” it should be operational by next week. One barn was repaired really rapidly.

Looking back, the 22-year-old recalled that as soon as the fire ceiling began to collapse into the stables, she immediately began releasing the horses escape. “While I was opening doors, my primary thought was, is this really as bad as I think? I’ve let out all the liveries, including some horses that are on box rest.”

“I thought I was overreacting, but then the caravan bit’s petrol canisters started exploding, so I just kind of went into autopilot.” Yasmine acknowledged the efforts of the fire department, which sent several units to the area, but expressed surprise at receiving the honour.

“You would think it’s something that anyone could do, but receiving the recognition was incredibly nice,” she said. “Yasmine saved many horses from death,” said Chief Fire Officer Becci Bryant. “This incident could have so easily resulted in their death.”


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