Adoptable Blind Horse Raises Funds Through Her Artistic Talents


Horse Haven of Tennessee, located in Lenoir City, is a charitable organisation that is mostly known for its ability to save lives. They take in the horses who have been mistreated, ignored, and neglected on an annual basis. Until each horse has a new life with a new family, they continue to repair wounds, both physical and emotional, and they do not give up until they have accomplished this. Each and every horse that passes through their barn is deserving of being saved, and every once in a while, they come across a unique individual that has a unique ability. A Belgian called Katie, who was one of their most recent rescues, has rapidly won over people’s hearts and has even found her way into the press.

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After being rescued by A Grazing Grace horse rescue in Tennessee, Katie was discovered in a kill pen and brought to Horse Haven before being adopted. At the age of ten, it is very evident that this adorable kid was in need of assistance. In spite of the fact that it is hard to know precisely how she came to be in a death pen, the people who rescued her quickly discovered that the large draft horse is fully blind. The fact that she is blind does not prevent her from moving on in life. Her training includes riding a horse, and she also has a few more talents that set her apart from other riders.

In spite of the fact that Katie was the subject of a great deal of attention at a recent adoption event, Horse Haven Equine Coordinator Ashley Ford shared with iHeartHorses that the lovely mare has not yet found the home that is made for her. While Katie is waiting, the volunteers and staff at Horse Haven have come up with a plan to not only assist Katie in finding a new home, but also to assist all of the horses who are housed at the barn. Katie, a gifted draft horse, was given a paintbrush, and now she is using it to raise money for her pals who are struggling financially.

According to Ashley, Katie is able to paint on a canvas by holding a paintbrush that has a spoon attachment and nodding her head while creating the painting. Furthermore, she paints straight with her muzzle, which results in the creation of abstract works of art that are rather remarkable when one considers that she is a blind horse artist. The fact that all of the paints are non-toxic and can be removed with water as soon as Katie is done with her creation is another thing that Ashley guarantees to us.

Not only do the paintings that Katie has created look fantastic in the barn, but Horse Haven is also holding an auction to generate money for the animal rescue organisation. The epidemic has caused the non-profit horse rescue organisation to have a financial hardship. They are hopeful that Katie’s newly discovered skill will assist in raising funds so that they can continue to provide care for her and all of the other horses who are housed at the barn. They would be able to cover the cost of the care of around four horses for one day if they were to sell a painting for at least one hundred dollars.

In addition to the fact that she is now taking personalised requests, Katie has already sold a few paintings to this point. Buyers have the ability to choose certain colours, and Katie will ensure that she creates a one-of-a-kind and personalised piece of artwork for them.

Horse Haven’s ultimate objective is to find a loving home for the gorgeous girl, and although Katie is having fun with her painting, they are working towards that goal. As Ashley put it,Katie became one of our volunteers’ favourites in a short amount of time! Without a doubt, she is the most adorable mare with the largest heart available. She is a painter who loves water and watercolours.

In order to adopt a horse from Horse Haven, the staff will evaluate applications based on whether or not the applicant is able to provide for the horse’s fundamental requirements and pay for its financial care. Katie is going to need a secure location that she can call home, as well as someone who is patient enough to assist her in becoming adjusted to her new environment.

Everyone at Horse Haven is keeping their fingers crossed that Katie will soon find the ideal new home. They are taken aback by the length of time she has been with them, and they are looking forward to assisting her in taking the next step in her life.