After 4 years, a man who vowed to never give up looking for his lost dog finally finds him


After nearly five years, Michael was still unable to locate dog Sam.
But suddenly, one day, Michael got a call from City Dogs Cleveland.
“She says, ‘We have Sam.’ I’m thinking, “This can’t be the same Sam!” in the back of my head. Michael uttered.

It’s Ohio, folks! This is like on the way to Michigan.

“So I asked, ‘Can you describe him for me?’ I said, “Where are you and when can I pick him up?” after she answered, “He’s a lighter-haired dog.”

Sam had received a medical examination at the shelter, and during the process of scanning him, they discovered his microchip. They were able to track him down to the Joys after that.


That following day, Michael traveled eight hours to Ohio in the hopes that Sam might still recognize him. Over those years, Michael and Sam had undergone significant transformation.
You can clearly feel the excitement on my face as I wait for them to bring Sam out as we go to the top. Michael stated, “I was like a kid at Christmas.
Sam shared Michael’s excitement. He kept bouncing all over his dad and wagging his tail nonstop.

Michael won’t be allowing Sam out of his sight again anytime soon, it’s safe to assume.


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