Mum shields baby in pram during shocking dog attack (video)


Horrible scene as mommy attempts to shield toddler 1 from an unruly dog that bites the animal
On a Sheffield street, the mother and her one-year-old daughter are attacked by a Staffordshire bull terrier, which leaves them both hurt. The mother is seen on camera screaming as the dog savages her.

Horrifying video captured the moment a mother sprang to shield her little child from an unruly dog that was charging towards her beloved puppy.

When her dog attacked her earlier this month when they were out on a walk in Sheffield, the mother and her one-year-old daughter both had minor injuries. Police are now advising dog owners to exercise more control over their animals.

In the video, the dog—a Staffordshire bull terrier—is seen sprinting up to the mother and her tricycle-riding kid before snapping at their pet. It coincides with a significant turning point in the discourse around dog attacks, as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that the XL Bully breed will be banned in response to a wave of violent events.

When the CCTV footage from the incident in Sheffield was made public, it showed the scared mother yelling, “Take your dog, get off him,” as she tried to pull her pet away to keep her kid safe. The owner finally succeeded in grabbing his dog and shoving them aside.
After the incident on September 2 on a city residential street, the dog was taken into custody and eventually restored to its owner under some restrictions. Although the owner has not been charged, the damage they created has been addressed via restorative justice.

Pet owners are being urged by South Yorkshire Police’s dog law officer, PC Paul Jameson, to take responsibility for their dogs and keep them from escaping. “You are responsible for your dog,” he said.

“You will be held accountable and prosecuted if it attacks someone or spreads terror across our neighbourhoods, but your dog may also have to be put to death. Fix your garden if you know your dog can get out of it.

Increase the height of the fences, secure the entrance, and post notices warning people not to enter. If you are aware that your dog is aggressive towards other dogs, take it for walks at calmer periods of the day rather than during rush hour.”

Additionally, PC Jameson has said that “it’s dangerous to apply human thinking to a dog’s behaviour” and that dog owners cannot assume that they know their pets best. Don’t be obedient, don’t assume it won’t happen, and don’t assume you know your dog best, he added.

“They are animals; even the most at ease creatures can become stressed in specific circumstances, leading to an instinctive reaction rooted in fear.” Animals act on instinct, and it is our responsibility to recognise these circumstances, recognise the cues your dog is providing you, and take appropriate action to address the stressor.

“It’s risky to interpret a dog’s actions using human reasoning since dogs think like dogs. The same rules apply to your own home: instill a respect for dogs in your children from an early age, forbid them from climbing or jumping on them, and make sure your dog has a quiet area that is apart from the rest of the family. Sometimes little, commonsense adjustments may have a big impact.”


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