At the neighbouring Rayne Riding Centre in Stistead, Essex, staff at Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court made arrangements for Dot Bayley to attend. There, her dream was fulfilled with a ride on pony TJ.

Activities coordinator Dani Lane of the facility said that Dot first communicated her want to ride to staff after a visit from several therapy horses. According to Dani, “we had ponies visit the house, and the residents got to meet and pet them.” Later, Dot shocked us all by announcing that she wanted to ride when we were asking the residents if they had any other things they would want to try.

My boss responded that it was something we could do when I inquired whether it was feasible. Dot’s family was apprehensive about the little 92-year-old, who relies on a wheelchair for longer distance mobility, mounting a horse, but she was adamant. If they wouldn’t let her ride, she threatened to never talk to them again. Dani chuckled.

When Dot arrived to the riding school, her two kids, granddaughter, and two great-grandchildren watched as she was assisted aboard TJ and had a brief ride. Dani said, “She was loving it and had such a nice time.” Dani said, “She was joking and telling all the other residents that she had galloped around the paddock when she got back to the home.” Dot had already inquired about returning to the riding school.Grandma’s Memorable First Ride Leaves a Love Legacy That Lasts