An expert is alerting people to the possibility that bedbugs, which feed on blood, are travelling to the UK through the Eurostar after being seen on French trains and movie theatres.
According to the worldwide rail business, quick action is being taken to stop bedbug infestations on its trains.

However, other people worry that the insects may already be inside London houses.
Here are some tips to help lower the risk of infection if you are returning from a trip to France.
Will bedbugs enter the UK from France?
An expert has said that the parasite may already be spreading in the UK amidst the continuing bedbug problem in Paris.
Molecular researcher David Cain, who founded Bed Bugs Ltd., claims to have already tracked down bedbugs from London to Paris.

A individual who discovered bedbugs in their London house had “been on the Eurostar a week before,” according to the pest control specialist.
He continued by saying that this is an old issue.
He told the UK publication the Independent, “I have known people go on day trips to Paris without even staying in hotels or engaging in other high-risk activities and come back with them.”
“For the past six years, Paris has been a popular link.”
How is the Eurostar combating the proliferation of bed bugs?
According to Eurostar, it is stepping up cleaning initiatives across its train network.
In order to guarantee bedbug-free travel, passengers should anticipate “preventative treatments” such as hot water to clean upholstery and the possibility for extra disinfection upon request.
According to a spokeswoman, “the safety and well-being of our customers is always our top priority and the presence of insects like bedbugs on our trains is extremely rare.”
How can one determine if they have bedbugs?
If you are visiting or are already visiting the French capital, you may want to be on the lookout for any potential illness symptoms.
These include bites on the face, neck, and arms—areas of skin that are exposed while you sleep.
Blood stains on your linens and tiny brown stains from bedbug droppings on furnishings may be apparent.
Bites from bedbugs may be raised, itchy and often occur in a line or cluster. There are techniques to lessen the symptoms, but they normally go away on their own after a week or two.
In order to prevent illness, the NHS suggests applying something cold to the bites, keeping the afflicted area clean, and—easier said than done—not scratching.
How should a bedbug infestation be handled?

Eliminating bedbugs may be challenging, particularly as they are developing resistance to some pesticides.
You should get in touch with your local council or pest control organisation if you believe you have an infestation.
Meanwhile, use a high temperature (60C) to wash and tumble dry clothes and bedding on a hot setting.
Additionally, you may store contaminated clothes and bedding in a bag in the freezer for three to four days.
Make sure to clean often and keep the area surrounding the bed clutter-free.
Additionally, thoroughly inspect your clothes and bags before bringing them into the home if you are returning from a vacation.