After losing her spouse, the widow “couldn’t function,” but she won’t give up on the 17-year-old “soul” dog.


Imagine a relationship that is so powerful that defies medical advice, social conventions, and even age.
This is the tale of Jana and Chewie, a 17-and-a-half-year-old dog who has evolved into more than simply a companion animal; she has become a lifeline.
Jana, a 67-year-old lady who is semi-retired, has found comfort and company in Chewie, her senior dog.
Not just any dog was chosen from a shelter; Jana was chosen by Chewie. When Jana was going through a tough period in 2004, a coworker brought in a package of puppies.
Chewie was the one that leaned towards her out of everyone. Their destinies were bound together from that point forward.
Chewie was always there, providing a solaced presence through the sorrowful days and restless nights.
The bond between Jana and Chewie is mutually beneficial. Chewie, a “Velcro dog,” has served as Jana’s emotional compass.
Jana showers her with love and affection in return, often saying, “I love you.”

This shared emotional experience has evolved as a sort of therapy for both parties. Throughout the summer, they go to Rummy’s Beach Club often so that Chewie may take advantage of the therapeutic effects of swimming in warm water.
However, their friendship is made unique by many simple things, not only swimming.
The workers at Rummy’s realised that Chewie had light sensitivity.
For UV protection for her eyes, they advised dog goggles. In order to ensure Chewie’s comfort, Jana also employs an inflatable cone to maintain her head above water.
These seemingly little actions reveal a great deal about Jana’s degree of consideration and concern.

For Chewie, the therapeutic swimming sessions provide as more than simply a form of physical activity; they also serve as a haven where she can unwind completely.
She is engulfed in the warm water, and thanks to the inflatable cone, she can float without worrying about getting her ears wet.
It’s a respite from the difficulties that come with becoming older and a moment of absolute joy.
However, not everyone is aware of how deep their bond is.
People often have comments and wonder why Jana keeps devoting so much time and energy to a senior dog.
For Jana, though, the solution is clear: Chewie looked for her through her trying times, and now it’s her duty to repay the favour.
For this dynamic couple, age is only a number.
Chewie has a contagious enthusiasm for life and is always ready to begin the day. This zeal is evidence of the high standard of living Jana has given her.
It is a cycle of love and care that has endured the test of time, demonstrating that becoming older does not preclude living a happy life.
Their tale serves as an example of unconditional love and the extent one would go to protect a loved one.

It is a story that questions cultural expectations on pet care, particularly for elderly dogs.
It’s about persevering despite advice to give up from others. It discusses the eternal value of love and friendship.
Following many happy years spent together, Chewie softly crossed the rainbow bridge. Keeper, a new dog in Jana’s life, and she often go to Chewie’s footbridge to remember her.
It’s adorable to watch Jana and her puppies together since she is a good dog parent.
The video below tells Chewie’s whole tale.


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