Adams had an automobile accident that almost claimed his life, went through a divorce, lost his house, and sustained a serious brain damage. Then, in September, he at last got some incredible news: Mongo, his horse, had been located.
I said to myself, ‘There is no way.'” When Adams heard the news about Mongo, he told Fox News Digital, “You have got to be kidding me.”
It didn’t even seem genuine. It’s still not real to have him back,” he said.

Despite having spent his whole childhood riding and training horses, Adams, 40, said that he had never formed a relationship as close as he did with Mongo.
His words, “He is very special and has always been a part of my life,”
Adams said that on March 31, 2014, a routine camping excursion in the West Desert, which is two hours away from Salt Lake City, took a bad turn.
Adams said that in the wee hours of the morning, he heard horses stirring outside his tent and heard enough noise to peep outside. He saw Mongo, his quarter-bred, half-Percheron horse, escaping and chasing several untamed Mustangs in the vicinity.
Adams hurried to prepare and follow Mongo, but a blizzard prevented him from doing so.
“I assumed he would just return. That was his way of thinking; he never achieved anything. Adams said, “I didn’t believe he would ever be gone.

Adams never stopped looking for his horse during a three-year period.
He said that he went in search of Mongo every weekend, escorted by his father Scott Adams.
Adams said that his father died away in August.
He said, “I really wish my dad was here to enjoy this.” “Every time, my dad went out looking with me.”

Adams stated he did all he could to make sure people were aware that Mongo was gone after getting in contact with the local brand inspector and the Bureau of Land Management in Utah (BLM Utah).
Over time, Adams said, he returned to his previous position as a supervisor for a major construction firm. He had to be more engaged and present at work because of his position.
“You’re [out] chasing wild mustangs, so you can’t run a 100-million-dollar job and be gone and only work two days a week,” he said.
Adams accepted that Mongo had passed away and lost up hope.
By 2017, Adams had come to terms with Mongo’s death and had given up hope. What had happened to the horse also remained a mystery to the team at BLM Utah.

Since [Mongo] eluded our arrest in 2017, we were unaware of what had transpired. Lisa Reid, a public relations expert at BLM Utah, which has its headquarters in Salt Lake City, said, “We thought maybe he was gone.”
Adams then got a Facebook message request from a BLM Utah employee on September 27 of this year.
The source claimed to have located Mongo.
On the last day of the collection on Utah’s high-security Dugway Proving Ground, BLM Utah was allowed to prolong their gathering because of an overabundance of horses, Reid said, so they brought in Mongo.
She continued, saying that Mongo’s stature alone allowed BLM’s horse expert to see right away that he was different from the other horses around him. This suspicion was further supported when Mongo was returned to the trap location.

Unlike most of the horses, Mongo did not attempt to fight or run away. Adams noted that he calmed down fast, which is a definite indicator of a tamed horse.
Reid said that the horse expert at BLM Utah knew the tale and had identified Mongo.
Once the crew saw that the winter fur had obscured Mongo’s brand on his left shoulder, they made contact with the local brand inspector.
That’s how they got their hands on Adams’s data. Reid said, “It was unquestionably an internal agency effort.”
Adams claimed to have phoned BLM Utah as soon as he saw the Facebook post. In order to pick up Mongo, the horse he hadn’t seen in eight years, he travelled for four hours the next day.
Adams recognised this was his close buddy even though Mongo had shed almost 400 pounds and was not as hefty as he had been eight years previously.
Adams predicted that after spending years roaming with wild mustangs, Mongo would be wary of strangers. But Mongo had retained the lessons that Adams had imparted to him.
Adams had tied a trailer to the rear of his vehicle, and he even stepped straight into it.
A much-needed triumph, Adams stated that getting back together with Mongo was a dream come true. “This was really good, the only positive thing to happen to me in two years,” he said.
“Eight years later, a horse that we knew was missing actually came in and was reunited with his owner,” Reid said. It was a wonderful moment.

According to Adams, Mongo has delighted in his return to a domesticated existence as it allows him to once again indulge in his favourite food.
Regarding the much-awaited reunion, Adams expressed his father’s excitement, saying, “My dad would be all sorts of excited.” He would be ecstatic.
Adams spends his days keeping an eye on Mongo and sharing his passion for horses with his two children, Anna, age eight, and Owen, age eleven.