With electrical tape covering his mouth, a puppy was thrown from a bridge.


As if leaving a family dog isn’t hurtful enough, some people go even further by leaving puppy in bags, without food, water, or even air.
Louie’s story is heartbreaking, as he was not only betrayed by his family, but thrown off a bridge with tape on his mouth, so no one could hear his cry for help.
Human cruelty is nearly as painful as any growl, bark, or bite. When faced with a threat, dogs may react in that way intuitively, but most of the time, humans injure these creatures on purpose just because they can.

Even worse than abandoning a family dog behind is the practice of keeping puppies in sacks without access to food, water, or even air.

The tragic events in Louie’s life include being abandoned by his family and being tossed from a bridge while having tape covering his lips, making it impossible for anybody to hear him scream for aid.

Source: Facebook

As if leaving a family dog isn’t hurtful enough, some people go even further by leaving pups in bags, without food, water, or even air.
Louie’s story is heartbreaking, as he was not only betrayed by his family, but thrown off a bridge with tape on his mouth, so no one could hear his cry for help.
Bob Hoelter, a resident of Griffith, Indiana, often drives to the neighborhood grocery that night, but thankfully for Louie, he chose to walk.
Hoelter heard a sobbing in the distance as he peered over a bridge, turning a casual workout into a rescue operation. Hoelter may have disregarded it, but he felt in his heart that something was amiss.

As he said to The Dodo, he followed the sound of a small voice pleading for assistance until he found himself beneath the bridge. Hoelter struggled to see the dog because it was already dark, but thankfully he had a flashlight with him.

As if leaving a family dog isn’t hurtful enough, some people go even further by leaving pups in bags, without food, water, or even air.
Louie’s story is heartbreaking, as he was not only betrayed by his family, but thrown off a bridge with tape on his mouth, so no one could hear his cry for help.
He eventually located the poor doggy after some searching, curled up on the ground and trembling with fear and cold, but that wasn’t the worst of it.
Hoelter was even more horrified when he saw the dog had electrical tape covering his lips as he got closer to it.

Source: Facebook

Hoelter grabbed up the puppy and brought him to the Griffith Animal Hospital because he could tell that the dog was in bad shape and that time wasn’t on their side.

Stranger With a Heart of Gold
Dr. Lori Kovacich from Indiana’s Griffith Animal Hospital also shared a portion of the narrative. She checked the dog into the hospital, preventing the worst from happening.

“I was out of my chair and in the lobby to get him in a matter of seconds.”

Source: Facebook

Without even obtaining the name or phone number of the man who brought the dog, Kovachich took it upon herself to take it with her as soon as she saw how bad the situation was.

She was horrified and devastated to see the adorable and helpless dog in such a terrible condition; the tape, which the veterinarians suspect remained on him for days, had seriously inflamed the skin on his muzzle.

In order to properly care for the puppy, Kovachich needed a team of veterinarians and technicians. He also received several cuddly animals, a warm blanket, and medications for internal inflammations in addition to ointment for his muzzle. This allowed him to finally get some slumber.

Kovachich regretted not having the opportunity or time to at least ask the person who brought the dog for his name after the puppy was cared for.
Hoelter, on the other hand, was just relieved that he had been able to get the dog to the hospital in time, so he simply departed and went on his way to the shop.

A new day, a new twist
Everything appeared to be under control following the initial inspection, but later tests revealed the puppy also had a fractured limb.

There was no choice but to have surgery, given how long it was ignored.

The hospital personnel came to the conclusion that the dog was thrown from the bridge because of his injuries and the fact that he was discovered beneath a bridge rather than in the water. Fortunately, the dog lived, but not without significant damage.

The entire event horrified Dr. Kovachich. She posted on Facebook on behalf of the entire hospital because she was so saddened and furious at the abuse the small dog had experienced:

“I attempt to process this while thinking about a million different things. In the end, the bad individual or persons who are accountable will burn in hell. They already suffer from a wretched daily existence and lack both compassion and heart. Karma.”

Pleasant Reunion and Everlasting Home
After the initial healing period, everything was looking terrific, and the puppy, eventually given the name Louie, was feeling much better. Everyone adored him since he even started displaying his humorous attitude while working at the hospital.

The Griffith Hospital’s social media posts were really very successful in that they assisted the staff in locating Louie’s rescuer and new home.

Source: The Dodo

One of the postings was found by Hoelter’s niece, who then showed it to her uncle. Before the dog left the hospital with his new family, they made the decision to stop by the hospital and see how he was doing.
Hoelter, as well as everyone else at the hospital, were taken aback by Louie’s shock at seeing his rescuer.
“I didn’t think he remembered me, so I was amazed.”
Louie raced towards Hoelter as soon as he spotted him and couldn’t stop hugging and cuddling him, thus it appears that he did recall.

Source: The Dodo

Louie ultimately discovered his true home following this touching occasion. After losing their family dog, Mary and Doug Witting, who had been regular patients at the hospital for years, had no intention of getting another dog anytime soon. However, there was something about Louie that they simply couldn’t let go of.

The Wittings gave the dog the name “Louie” and provided him with a home that is full of love, devotion, and all the care he requires. Mary’s words:

“That adorable tiny face, he needs me, I reasoned. I can adore him nonstop because I need him.

Source: The Dodo

For real dog lovers, it is incomprehensible that someone would have the heart and courage to purposefully abandon and harm such a precious and little animal.

Thankfully, there are individuals like Bob Hoelter, Dr. Lena Kovachich, and the Wittings who are constantly available to assist in the healing of emotional and physical wounds.


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