Cops get 16 calls from the same residence and are surprised to discover a humorous pair behind them.


This tale is sweet, but the 911 recordings are priceless.
Few 911 calls can be described as cute.
However, one case out of Lakeville, Minnesota involving many calls to the police is just that!
Police are often called to 911 calls when they cannot hear the individual calling.
The dispatcher only heard two dogs barking in this specific situation.
Police are sent to the location. Following several 911 calls from a house, two officers were called to the site.
There seemed to be no one in the house when the cops arrived.However, there were two lively canines that looked to be relieved to meet some friendly folks.
“It was just strange.” People usually come to the door. Officer Emiles Bares told Fox 9: “Seeing two dogs go hyper is not something I see all the time.”

Repeated 911 calls were made.
When no one answered the door, the responding cops assumed it was an error and proceeded to leave.

They were alerted by dispatch that there had been 16 911 calls from the house, so they decided to look into it more.
Officers reach out to the homeowner.
The cops were able to call the home’s owner, who was at work at the time, and they were granted permission to enter the property.
When the police entered, they were greeted by two loving and lively dogs.

They were able to put together what transpired after that.
I asked if they wanted to go outdoors since it was the reason they called. They had no interest. At that stage, they were more interested in being petted. I proceeded to his office, where I found the mobile phone. It was set to Emergency Only. So, in principle, a dog might have dialled 911 by pushing the screen with its paw,” Officer Roberts said. “Our assumption is that the dogs were having a bad day and that it was the dogs who called 911.”

Reporters try to get to the bottom of the amusing tale.

Fox 9 sought to question the dogs about why they dialled 911 so many times.
The pups, on the other hand, seemed uninterested in leaving a statement.
The owner has learned their lesson.
The owner of the house, dogs, and mobile phone subsequently told the reporters that he had learnt his lesson and would keep his phone out of reach in the future. They did, however, seem to be interested in sniffing the microphone!


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