Mother And Son Rescue Ponies Reunite After Four Years Apart


Since the beginning of March, the epidemic has completely upended people’s lives, and our horses are not exempt from this chaos. They’ve been adjusting to new schedules and pressures, and Micky, the horse they rescued, is no different. The stunning skewbald cob had to deal with a significant upheaval in his life when his nation was placed under lockdown. With a wonderful turn of events, the young rescuer is now enjoying his best life after being reunited with his devoted mother, but his circumstances might have easily become dire.

As a Blue Cross rescue, Micky began serving as a riding pony loaner in 2020. But it didn’t take long to see that riding lessons weren’t the ideal match for the adventurous rescue. After he started acting more erratically under saddle, his handlers determined he needed to go back to the Blue Cross.

The issue was that Micky’s actions peaked just when the UK was placed under lockdown.

Coordinator for Blue Cross Horse Welfare Sally Marley-Ward said, “We were unable to return Micky to the facility because the nation was preparing for a lockdown. Rather, we placed him in one of our fantastic short-term foster families.”
Fosters are a vital part of Blue Cross’s network for providing care for the animals they rescue. They wanted a place where Micky could unwind since they take in dogs, cats, and of course horses. One of the charity’s coordinators for horse care, Melanie Leicester, is an enthusiastic horsewoman, who helped with their quest. Melanie was lending out three Blue Cross rescue horses on her land at the time. Micky’s mother just so happened to be one of those ponies.

Micky and his mother Loreal hadn’t seen each other in four years.
Employees at Blue Cross recall the two as having a close relationship, so Melanie leaped at the opportunity to arrange the reunion.
Although Micky is no longer fit to be a riding pony, he is content with his existence since he has his mother by his side and a secure location to call home. According to Melanie, Micky and Loreal seemed to continue just where they left off. They seem to be contentedly pleased as they go about their days side by side.

Melanie said, “They have a genuine relationship between them, and it’s so nice to see them both together. Micky and Loreal seem pleased to be together once again.”
For more than a century, Blue Cross has provided care for ill, wounded, abandoned, and homeless animals. Because of their capacity to house rescue horses, they play a particularly significant role in their community.


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