Woman and Horse She Rescued ten years ago reunited


This heartwarming scene shows an old lady getting back together with a horse that she saved over ten years ago.

At last, 84-year-old Joyce Austin was able to give her long-lost companion a pat and some carrots. The English retiree from Cheshire originally developed a special relationship with the horse she called Star after finding him in a field close to her former house.

Austin started giving the horse bags of carrots as he had never seen it before and had not seen its owner. She fed the chestnut horse for a few weeks before realising that Star’s owner was not going to return.
She then got in touch with a friend to ask for assistance in finding the horse a good home. Star was relocated to Spirit of the Herd, a nonprofit horse and pony sanctuary, from the field.

Austin thought she would not see the cherished equine ever again. Following her January move into a care facility, Austin told the staff and other patients several tales of her wonderful times spent with Star.

for learning that Austin had relocated to the house, the sanctuary looking for Star contacted her to ask if she would want to visit her again. She was reunited with Star after almost ten years apart, and the latter was content to be given carrots as before.

Austin stated: “I really appreciate that. I’ve had a great time today. Seeing how content Star is with all of his pals was beautiful.”

Remarking that the miraculous reunion was “therapeutic,” Saphron Woods of the shelter said: “We are so happy that Joyce and Star could finally be together. Star, who has been receiving rehabilitative therapy from us for a few years, is doing well. We believe that seeing the two together contributed to the healing of both people and horses. Joyce is invited to stop by as frequently as she is able.”

Debbie Smith, the care home manager at Simonsfield, commended the sanctuary for making significant efforts to bring the couple back together.

“I can’t thank the sanctuary enough,” she said. These horses are cared after by a non-profit organisation that is funded exclusively by contributions. Joyce was overjoyed to see them again and had been smiling for a few days thereafter, even on the journey back to the assisted living facility. We now know where Star resides, so perhaps we can see him there in the future.”


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